Plaudits Eagle Spot 74.2188%

FAHR No: 493


Chestnut: White with spots over back and hips/star, stripe and snip/LF-partial half pastern/LH-pratial ankle
ApHC No: 615460
Sex: Stallion
Foal Date: 05/01/2002
Foal State: Texas
Breeder Owner
Name: Deanna K. Brown Name: Deanna K. Brown
City: Gladwater City: Gladwater
State: Texas State: Texas
Sire Dam
Name: Eagles Thunderntoby 87.5% Name: Cheyenne Lacey Que 60.9375%
FAHR No: 280 FAHR No: 0
ApHC No: 587226 ApHC No: 517603