Shelby Wapaloosa Jo 82.8125%

FAHR No: 548


Bay Roan: White over body and hips/ star and stripe/no leg markings/few bay spots
ApHC No: 619785
Sex: Mare
Foal Date: 04/22/2003
Foal State: Washington
Breeder Owner
Name: Cathy J. Le Bret and Jerry Gig Le Bret Name: Cathy J. Le Bret and Jerry Gig Le Bret
City: Kettle Falls City: Kettle Falls
State: Washington State: Washington
Sire Dam
Name: Walkn Wapaloosa Jo 90.625% Name: Pratt Kemos Tobet 75%
FAHR No: 190 FAHR No: 0
ApHC No: 519575 ApHC No: 495074